Better Flex by Dannii Willis

Version 1/190924 (for Glulx only)

"Better performance for the Flex/Block value systems using Glulx's native malloc features"


Includes and Included by are omitted for modules with errors


In Chapter - Replacing the Flex system in the extension Better Flex by Dannii

You wrote 'Include (- Constant BLK_HEADER_N = 0; Constan [...] nt
BLK_DATA_OFFSET = 4 * WORDSIZE; -) instead of "Blocks" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: but this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022, in favour
of a more finely controlled inclusion command. See the manual, but you can
probably get what you want using 'replacing "SomeFunctionName".' rather
than 'instead of ...'.

You wrote 'Include (- -) instead of "The Heap" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- [ HeapInitialise; ]; -) instead of
"Initialisation" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- -) instead of "Net Free Space" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- [ HeapDebug; print "With the B [...] he heap is
managed by the VM."; ]; -) instead of "Make Space" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- [ FlexAllocate size kov flags [...] GTH =
fullsize; return block; ]; -) instead of "Block Allocation" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- -) instead of "Merging" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- -) instead of "Recutting" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- [ FlexFree block; if ( block == 0 [...]
VM_FreeMemory( block ); } ]; -) instead of "Deallocation" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- [ BFFlexResize block newsize f [...] k ); } return
newblock; ]; -) instead of "Resizing" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- [ FlexSize block; ! Size of an ind [...]
->BLK_LENGTH - BLK_DATA_OFFSET; ]; -) instead of "Block Size" in
"Flex.i6t"' (Dannii Willis/Better Flex.i7x, line 100):
again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- -) instead of "Debugging Routines" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.
In Chapter - Replacing the Block Values system in the extension Better Flex by
Dannii Willis:

You wrote 'Include (- [ BlkValueLBCapacity bv long_bloc [...] v-->0 =
new_long_block; rtrue; ]; -) instead of "Long Block Capacity" in
"BlockValues.i6t"' (Dannii Willis/Better Flex.i7x, line 118):
again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- [ BlkValueRead from pos do_not_ind [...] ge: ",
pos, " in ", to, " ***"; ]; -) instead of "Long Block Array Access" in
"BlockValues.i6t"' (Dannii Willis/Better Flex.i7x, line 150):
again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- [ BlkValueSeekZeroEntry from long [...] m_addr ) /
4; } return -1; ]; -) instead of "First Zero Entry" in "BlockValues.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- [ BlkValueMassCopyEntries to_bv fr [...]
_bytes_left - min; } } ]; -) instead of "Mass Copy Entries" in
"BlockValues.i6t"' (Dannii Willis/Better Flex.i7x, line 254):
again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- [ BlkValueMassCopyFromArray to_bv [...] y_size,
no_entries_to_copy); } ]; -) instead of "Mass Copy From Array" in
"BlockValues.i6t"' (Dannii Willis/Better Flex.i7x, line 323):
again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- [ BlkValueFree bv kovs d; if (bv [...] exFree( bv
- BLK_DATA_OFFSET ); ]; -) instead of "Freeing" in "BlockValues.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- [ BlkDebugAddress addr flag d; if [...] int
(BlkPrintHexadecimal) addr; ]; -) instead of "Printing Memory Addresses" in
"BlockValues.i6t"' (Dannii Willis/Better Flex.i7x, line 375):
again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.
Copy Include Better Flex by Dannii Willis to clipboard Include Better Flex by Dannii Willis.
Version 1/190924 of Better Flex (for Glulx only) by Dannii Willis begins here.

"Better performance for the Flex/Block value systems using Glulx's native malloc features"

Chapter - Replacing the Flex system

Include (-
Constant BLK_HEADER_N = 0;
Constant BLK_HEADER_FLAGS = 1;
Constant BLK_FLAG_MULTIPLE = $$00000001;
Constant BLK_FLAG_16_BIT = $$00000010;
Constant BLK_FLAG_WORD = $$00000100;
Constant BLK_FLAG_RESIDENT = $$00001000;
Constant BLK_FLAG_TRUNCMULT = $$00010000;
Constant BLK_HEADER_KOV = 1;
Constant BLK_LENGTH = 3;

-) instead of "Blocks" in "Flex.i6t".

Include (- -) instead of "The Heap" in "Flex.i6t".

Include (-
[ HeapInitialise; ];
-) instead of "Initialisation" in "Flex.i6t".

Include (- -) instead of "Net Free Space" in "Flex.i6t".

Include (-
[ HeapDebug;
     print "With the Better Flex extension, the heap is managed by the VM.";
-) instead of "Make Space" in "Flex.i6t".

Include (-
[ FlexAllocate size kov flags
     block fullsize;

     fullsize = BLK_DATA_OFFSET + size;
     block = VM_AllocateMemory( fullsize );
     if ( block == 0 ) FlexError( "malloc failed" );
     @mzero fullsize block;

     block->BLK_HEADER_N = 1; ! Fudge the size
   block->BLK_HEADER_FLAGS = flags;
   block-->BLK_HEADER_KOV = KindAtomic( kov );
   block-->BLK_HEADER_RCOUNT = 1;
     block-->BLK_LENGTH = fullsize;

   return block;
-) instead of "Block Allocation" in "Flex.i6t".

Include (- -) instead of "Merging" in "Flex.i6t".

Include (- -) instead of "Recutting" in "Flex.i6t".

Include (-
[ FlexFree block;
   if ( block == 0 ) return;
   if ( ( block->BLK_HEADER_FLAGS ) & BLK_FLAG_RESIDENT ) return;
   if ( ( block->BLK_HEADER_N ) & $80 ) return; ! not a flexible block at all

     if ( block >= HDR_ENDMEM-->0 )
       VM_FreeMemory( block );
-) instead of "Deallocation" in "Flex.i6t".

Include (-
[ BFFlexResize block newsize
     flags newblock newblocksize oldsize;

     if ( block == 0 ) FlexError( "failed resizing null block" );
   flags = block->BLK_HEADER_FLAGS;
   if ( flags & BLK_FLAG_MULTIPLE == 0 ) FlexError( "failed resizing inextensible block" );

     newblocksize = BLK_DATA_OFFSET + newsize;
     newblock = VM_AllocateMemory( newblocksize );
     if ( newblock == 0 ) FlexError( "resizing failed: malloc failed" );

     @mzero newblocksize newblock;
     oldsize = block-->BLK_LENGTH;
     @mcopy oldsize block newblock;
     newblock-->BLK_LENGTH = newblocksize;

     if ( block >= HDR_ENDMEM-->0 )
         VM_FreeMemory( block );
     return newblock;
-) instead of "Resizing" in "Flex.i6t".

Include (-
[ FlexSize block; ! Size of an individual block, including header
   if ( block == 0 ) return 0;
   return block-->BLK_LENGTH;

[ FlexTotalSize block;
   if ( block == 0 ) return 0;
   return block-->BLK_LENGTH - BLK_DATA_OFFSET;
-) instead of "Block Size" in "Flex.i6t".

Include (- -) instead of "Debugging Routines" in "Flex.i6t".

Chapter - Replacing the Block Values system

Include (-
[ BlkValueLBCapacity bv long_block array_size_in_bytes entry_size_in_bytes flags;
   long_block = BlkValueGetLongBlock(bv);
   if (long_block == 0) return 0;

   array_size_in_bytes = FlexTotalSize(long_block);

   flags = long_block->BLK_HEADER_FLAGS;
   entry_size_in_bytes = 1;
   if (flags & BLK_FLAG_16_BIT) entry_size_in_bytes = 2;
   else if (flags & BLK_FLAG_WORD) entry_size_in_bytes = WORDSIZE;

   return array_size_in_bytes / entry_size_in_bytes;

[ BlkValueSetLBCapacity bv new_capacity long_block flags entry_size_in_bytes new_long_block;
   if (bv == 0) rfalse;
   long_block = BlkValueGetLongBlock(bv);
   if (long_block == 0) rfalse;

   flags = long_block->BLK_HEADER_FLAGS;
   entry_size_in_bytes = 1;
   if (flags & BLK_FLAG_16_BIT) entry_size_in_bytes = 2;
   else if (flags & BLK_FLAG_WORD) entry_size_in_bytes = WORDSIZE;

   new_long_block = BFFlexResize(long_block, new_capacity*entry_size_in_bytes);
   bv-->0 = new_long_block;
-) instead of "Long Block Capacity" in "BlockValues.i6t".

Include (-
[ BlkValueRead from pos do_not_indirect
   long_block flags entry_size_in_bytes seek_byte_position;

   if ( from == 0 ) rfalse;
   if ( do_not_indirect )
     long_block = from;
     long_block = BlkValueGetLongBlock( from );

   flags = long_block->BLK_HEADER_FLAGS;
   entry_size_in_bytes = 1;
   if ( flags & BLK_FLAG_16_BIT )
         entry_size_in_bytes = 2;
   else if ( flags & BLK_FLAG_WORD )
         entry_size_in_bytes = WORDSIZE;

   seek_byte_position = pos * entry_size_in_bytes;

     if ( ( seek_byte_position >= 0 ) && ( seek_byte_position < FlexTotalSize( long_block ) ) )
         long_block = long_block + BLK_DATA_OFFSET + seek_byte_position;
         switch ( entry_size_in_bytes )
             1: return long_block->0;
             2: return ( long_block->0 ) * 256 + ( long_block->1 );
             4: return long_block-->0;
   "*** BlkValueRead: reading from index out of range: ", pos, " in ", from, " ***";

[ BlkValueWrite to pos val do_not_indirect
   long_block flags entry_size_in_bytes seek_byte_position;

   if ( to == 0 ) rfalse;
   if ( do_not_indirect )
     long_block = to;
   else {
     BlkMakeMutable( to );
     long_block = BlkValueGetLongBlock( to );

   flags = long_block->BLK_HEADER_FLAGS;
   entry_size_in_bytes = 1;
   if ( flags & BLK_FLAG_16_BIT )
         entry_size_in_bytes = 2;
   else if ( flags & BLK_FLAG_WORD )
         entry_size_in_bytes = WORDSIZE;

   seek_byte_position = pos * entry_size_in_bytes;

     if ( ( seek_byte_position >= 0 ) && ( seek_byte_position < FlexTotalSize( long_block ) ) )
         long_block = long_block + BLK_DATA_OFFSET + seek_byte_position;
         switch ( entry_size_in_bytes )
             1: long_block->0 = val;
             2: long_block->0 = ( val / 256 ) % 256;
                long_block->1 = val % 256;
             4: long_block-->0 = val;
   "*** BlkValueWrite: writing to index out of range: ", pos, " in ", to, " ***";
-) instead of "Long Block Array Access" in "BlockValues.i6t".

Include (-
[ BlkValueSeekZeroEntry from
   long_block flags entry_size_in_bytes
   addr from_addr to_addr;

   if ( from == 0 ) return -1;
   long_block = BlkValueGetLongBlock( from );

   flags = long_block->BLK_HEADER_FLAGS;
   entry_size_in_bytes = 1;
   if ( flags & BLK_FLAG_16_BIT )
         entry_size_in_bytes = 2;
   else if ( flags & BLK_FLAG_WORD )
         entry_size_in_bytes = WORDSIZE;

     from_addr = long_block + BLK_DATA_OFFSET;
     to_addr = from_addr + FlexTotalSize( long_block );
     switch ( entry_size_in_bytes )
             for ( addr = from_addr: addr < to_addr: addr++ )
                 if ( addr->0 == 0 )
                     return addr - from_addr;
             for (addr = from_addr: addr < to_addr: addr = addr + 2 )
                 if ( ( addr->0 == 0 ) && ( addr->1 == 0 ) )
                     return ( addr - from_addr ) / 2;
             for ( addr = from_addr: addr < to_addr: addr = addr + 4 )
                 if ( addr-->0 == 0 )
                     return ( addr - from_addr ) / 4;
   return -1;
-) instead of "First Zero Entry" in "BlockValues.i6t".

Include (-
[ BlkValueMassCopyEntries to_bv from_bv no_entries_to_copy
   from_long_block from_addr from_bytes_left from_header_size_in_bytes
   to_long_block to_addr to_bytes_left to_header_size_in_bytes
   bytes_to_copy flags entry_size_in_bytes min;


   from_long_block = BlkValueGetLongBlock(from_bv);
   to_long_block = BlkValueGetLongBlock(to_bv);

   flags = from_long_block->BLK_HEADER_FLAGS;
   entry_size_in_bytes = 1;
   if (flags & BLK_FLAG_16_BIT)
         entry_size_in_bytes = 2;
   else if (flags & BLK_FLAG_WORD)
         entry_size_in_bytes = WORDSIZE;

     (BlkValueSetLBCapacity(to_bv, no_entries_to_copy) == false))
     BlkValueError("copy resizing failed");

   if (flags & BLK_FLAG_MULTIPLE)
         from_header_size_in_bytes = BLK_DATA_MULTI_OFFSET;
         from_header_size_in_bytes = BLK_DATA_OFFSET;
   flags = to_long_block->BLK_HEADER_FLAGS;
   if (flags & BLK_FLAG_MULTIPLE)
         to_header_size_in_bytes = BLK_DATA_MULTI_OFFSET;
         to_header_size_in_bytes = BLK_DATA_OFFSET;

   from_addr = from_long_block + from_header_size_in_bytes;
   from_bytes_left = FlexSize(from_long_block) - from_header_size_in_bytes;
   to_addr = to_long_block + to_header_size_in_bytes;
   to_bytes_left = FlexSize(to_long_block) - to_header_size_in_bytes;

   bytes_to_copy = entry_size_in_bytes*no_entries_to_copy;
   while (true)
         if ( from_bytes_left == 0 )
             BlkValueError("copy destination exhausted");
         else if (to_bytes_left == 0)
             BlkValueError("copy source exhausted");
             min = from_bytes_left;
             if (to_bytes_left < min)
                 min = to_bytes_left;
       if (bytes_to_copy <= min)
         Memcpy(to_addr, from_addr, bytes_to_copy);
       Memcpy(to_addr, from_addr, min);
       bytes_to_copy = bytes_to_copy - min;
       from_addr = from_addr + min;
       from_bytes_left = from_bytes_left - min;
       to_addr = to_addr + min;
       to_bytes_left = to_bytes_left - min;
-) instead of "Mass Copy Entries" in "BlockValues.i6t".

Include (-
[ BlkValueMassCopyFromArray to_bv from_array from_entry_size no_entries_to_copy
   to_long_block to_addr to_entries_left to_header_size to_entry_size


   to_long_block = BlkValueGetLongBlock(to_bv);

   flags = to_long_block->BLK_HEADER_FLAGS;
   to_entry_size = 1;
   if (flags & BLK_FLAG_16_BIT)
         to_entry_size = 2;
   else if (flags & BLK_FLAG_WORD)
         to_entry_size = WORDSIZE;

     (BlkValueSetLBCapacity(to_bv, no_entries_to_copy) == false))
     BlkValueError("copy resizing failed");

   if (flags & BLK_FLAG_MULTIPLE)
         to_header_size = BLK_DATA_MULTI_OFFSET;
         to_header_size = BLK_DATA_OFFSET;

   to_addr = to_long_block + to_header_size;
   to_entries_left = (FlexSize(to_long_block) - to_header_size)/to_entry_size;

   while (no_entries_to_copy > to_entries_left) {
     Arrcpy(to_addr, to_entry_size, from_array, from_entry_size, to_entries_left);
     no_entries_to_copy = no_entries_to_copy - to_entries_left;
     from_array = from_array + to_entries_left*from_entry_size;
   if (no_entries_to_copy > 0) {
     Arrcpy(to_addr, to_entry_size, from_array, from_entry_size, no_entries_to_copy);
-) instead of "Mass Copy From Array" in "BlockValues.i6t".

Include (-
[ BlkValueFree bv kovs d;
   if (bv == 0) return;

   ! Dispose of any data in the long block
   kovs = KOVSupportFunction(BlkValueWeakKind(bv), "impossible deallocation");
   BlkValueDestroyPrimitive(bv, kovs);

   ! Free any heap memory occupied by the short block
     FlexFree( bv - BLK_DATA_OFFSET );
-) instead of "Freeing" in "BlockValues.i6t".

Include (-
[ BlkDebugAddress addr flag d;
   if (flag) { print "###"; return; }

   d = addr - blockv_stack;
   if ((d >= 0) && (d <= WORDSIZE*BLOCKV_STACK_SIZE)) {
     print "s+", (BlkPrintHexadecimal) d;
     d = addr - I7SFRAME;
     print "=f"; if (d >= 0) print "+"; print d;
   d = addr - BLK_DATA_OFFSET;
   if ( d >= HDR_ENDMEM-->0 )
     print "h+", (BlkPrintHexadecimal) d;

   print (BlkPrintHexadecimal) addr;
-) instead of "Printing Memory Addresses" in "BlockValues.i6t".